We have finally reached that mythical period of which our family has been dreaming for months:
(It's been said so often in our house the last few weeks that we were about to get it embroidered on our towels, like a family crest.)
And my brain is a puddle of goo which is taking its dear sweet time reconstituting, so here's a quick summary to tide you over until I can get this blog back to its regularly scheduled snark.
Taking the Bar: Icky.
Sleep schedule: Shot.
Chairs at the Bar: Eeeeeeevil! (I mean, at least they were padded, but they were still folding chairs which meant zero back support which means me=miserable after the first three hours. And then there were four and a half more hours. And seven more the next day. . . .)
Number of Pens of Mine Which Mysteriously Vanished, Possibly with the Participation of Bar Exam Proctors: Two. (One black, one blue.)
Our attitude after the essay exam: Deep relief.
Our attitude after the first half of the multiple choice exam: Cautious optimism.
Our attitude after the second half of the multiple choice exam: Exhausted. But it's over. Slightly-more-cautious-than-before optimism.
Amount of time before I have to think about this exam in any detail again: 8 to 10 weeks.
New family motto: It's Over!
Number of guilt-free naps I have taken since yesterday: Three.
Baby's take on the entire experience: KICK THE BLADDER!!!!!
Ah, well. At least some things stay consistent. (In other news, we are officially in the third trimester and now I can FINALLY start getting ready for this kid. Wahoo!)
Yes, that's it.
I came across this poem, "The Spot" by Holly Day, this afternoon. (Scroll
down to the bottom of the page; it won't let me link to the individual
12 years ago